Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hold Hands?

It's been a long I'm not updating this blog. 
Kerja, balik rumah, penat nak tido. 
Bila nye boleh update. 

Tadi pagi drive masa on the way nak datang office, dengar la radio Fly FM. 
Memang every morning, every evening ( balik dari office) akan dengar Fly FM, sebab entah, rasa masuk je dengan jiwa. Hehehe

Today's topic pasal how many days/weeks we need to take to hold somebody's hand.
Tajuk agak menarik, macam2 lah orang call, then share experience masing2. 
Paling best, ada caller cakap he and his girlfriend never hold hands because his girlfriend doesn't want to. She claimed she is not a child anymore, so please don't hold her hand! (sort of like that).
Tersenyum2 dalam kereta dengar experience caller2 tadi.

From my opinion, it depends on the women actually. 
If that woman doesn't have any feeling for you, or just anggap you as a friend, doesn't matter if you took 3 months pun, it never works! Because she don't feel you. 
But if that woman has a feeling for you, and you give your try on the first date, surely she will be okay.

But sometime, few women doesn't like things happened so fast. So for these type of women, men really2 need to be careful. 
Eventhough she has a feeling for you, maybe she need some time to think for the right decision. 

Anyway..just wait until married la!
Sure got no rejection! Hahahaa..
Yup.. In Islam, mana boleh pegang pegang selagi belom kahwin kan.. 
Selagi tak lafaz akad depan tok kadi, tetap haram hukumnya. 

Aku pun tak sebaik mana, tapi at least, sampaikan peringatan kepada org lain and untuk diri sendiri.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sajak Dari Hati - Azad Jazmin ft Eira Syazira

Punya lama la cari lagu ni..Finally, here the full version. :)

Monday, November 25, 2013

Cherish The Love - Kool and The Gang

Let's take a walk together near the ocean shore
Hand in hand you and I
Let's cherish every moment we have been given
The time is passing by

I often pray before I lay down
By your side
If you receive your calling before I awake
Could I make it through the night

Cherish the love we have, we should cherish the life we live
Cherish the love, cherish the life, cherish the love
Cherish the love we have, for as long as we both shall live
Cherish the love, cherish the life, cherish the love

The world is always changing, nothing stays the same
But love will stand the test of time
The next life that we live in remains to be seen
Will you be by my side

I often pray before I lay down
By your side
And if you receive your calling before I awake
Could I make it through the night

Cherish the love we have, we should cherish the life we live
Cherish the love, cherish the life, cherish the love
Cherish the love we have, for as long as we both shall live
Cherish the love, cherish the life, cherish the love

Cherish the love
Cherish the life

Cherish the love we have, we should cherish the life we live
Cherish the love, cherish the life, cherish the love
Cherish the love we have, for as long as we both shall live
Cherish the love, cherish the life, cherish the love

Cherish the love we have, we should cherish the life we live
Cherish the love, cherish the life, cherish the love
Cherish the love we have, for as long as we both shall live
Cherish the love, cherish the life, cherish the love

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